Mother tantric teaching

Mother tantric teaching

We invite everyone to the Mother Tantra teaching or The Ma Gyud teachings.
Teachings will take place in Poland, in Warsaw and online via Zoom too.
It will be the first part of the Mother Tantric teaching.
Succedent parts will take place next years. The Mother Tantra (The Ma Gyud) is one of the most important tantric texts in the Tibetan Bon tradition.
It is a tantric, transformation practice and includes: tummo, dream yoga, sleep yoga, phowa, tsalung thrulkhor.
The text of Mother Tantra (The Ma Gyud) was hidden in the 8th century and it was discovered as a terma by Guru Nön tse in the 11th century.

The teachings will be held on ul. Śniadeckich 20/21, IV floor (Shambhala Warszawa) and online Zoom.
The teachings will be held in English and translated into Polish and Spanish on Zoom.
The recommended donation is 45 EUR
Bank Account for donations in EUR: PL65 1140 2004 0000 3212 2023 4554, Anna Orlik.
Bank transfer title: Mother Tantra
To register send e-mail to:

Course schedule:
21-22 October 2023

Biography of Geshe Tenpa:
Geshe Tenpa was born in Amdo, Ngawa, in eastern Tibet. He lived with his parents until he was eight years old, when his grandfather sent him to Nangzhig Monastery in Amdo, Ngawa Tibet.

Nangzhig Monastery was founded in 1108 and is the largest Yungdrung Bon Monastery in Tibet. At the age of 8, he studied the Tibetan language and learned many rituals from Khanpo Akhu Gaylwa. When he was 10 years old he took his monk’s vows, and at 13 he began his studies in Bon Philosophy to earn his Geshe diploma.

He studied Philosophy with Polo Tenzin Puntsok Rinpoche from age 13 to 17. When Geshe Tenpa was 17 years old, he entered Triten Norbutse Monastery, where he continued his studies in Bon Philosophy with Ponlop Tsangpa Tenzin Rinpoche.

When he was 22 years old, he studied Sutra, Tantra, Dzogchen with Drupdra Khanpo Tsultrim Rinpoche. He received his Geshe diploma from Triten Norbutse Monastery at the age of 33.

Geshe Tenpa was honored to study for many years with HE Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, who is the oldest teacher of the Bön tradition and is considered the world’s greatest expert on Bon.

Geshe Tenpa:
„ I’m going to start teaching of the Mother Tantra. It is a very big subject but also its great tantric teaching. In Bon has a lot of great teaching but the mother tantric teaching is special and more deeper teaching Mostly we have two great teachings. Zhang-Zhung Nyan Gyud, which is Dzogche teaching and Secund is Mother Tantric teaching. Mother tantric teaching is one of the great teaching, Because the way of describing about view, conduct, activities, samayas, and fruits are unbelievable. Specially Mother Tantra has main 3 sections: the base, the path and the fruit. I can’t explained exactly in English mother tantra how wonderful describing these three sections But I know in Tibetan, mother tantric teaching we can’t compare any others teachings. I hope here in the west also practitioners will get more deeper information of mother tantra. Not some parts for example dream yoga. But all ideas and information of mother tantra. When you got deeper informations. Then you will get confidence.
And you will develop your practices a lot. So please join us if you want to practice mothers tantra more deeper or all ideas information of mother tantra. Thank you very much.

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