Tashi Delek Everyone,
I am Geshe Tenpa.
I would like to tell you about our upcoming event next month, on Sunday, October 1st. We’re going to have a very special teaching.
But first, just for clarification, here are a few words about Dzogchen. There are some ideas about Dzogchen, not only here in the West, but also some communities in Tibet. Often when people hear about Dzogchen, they think, “Oh! We’ll do Dzogchen. We’ll meditate, and we’ll do the postures, and that will take us somewhere else, and so on. And then we’ll try to integrate into the natural state.”.
But, actually, Dzogchen is not just about meditation. Yes, of course, meditation is one of the most important things in the practice of Dzogchen. Practice is the most important aspect. Without practice, we cannot improve Dzogchen, you see. The great teachers of Dzogchen are right.
But Dzogchen is not just a meditation, especially when we talk about Dzogchen Tsema Kaldo. That is the Tibetan name for it.
Tsema can be translated as logic, the reason. You have to put one reason after another. Not just any word. You need a correct reason.
And Kaldo, here, would mean significant, meaningful, or something like that. That’s what I’m talking about. And, this was taught by Lama Lishu Tagring. In our Bön lineage, Lama Lishu Tagring is a very, very important master. He lived in the seventh century. He also wrote many other great teachings.
How to practice? We have to know before we do the correct practice. We need good reasons when we practice. Practice is important. we need to have a clear understanding of how to practice.
Hence, if you don’t understand the right way to practice, then I think, in my opinion, that you’re wasting your time. For example, if you do practice an hour. You will waste one hour. if you do practice for two hours, you lose those two hours as well, you know. So, in the end, if you don’t have the right understanding of the right way to practice, you’re going to waste a lot of hours in your lifetime.
This is something very important. We need to understand. We need to have a rationale; we need to have more thoughts about it. Then, you clearly know how to practice. Then you have to get ready. And then, when you’re going to practice it will be very clear, most powerful, and beneficial.
So that’s why we plan to go into teaching the Dzogchen Tsema Kaldo. The logical way to teach about Dzogchen. So this one, this teaching will be very special. We’ll follow the instructions. And more details will be provided during the teaching.
This is what I wanted to share with you today.
– Geshe Tenpa
October 1 – 7 PM to 9 PM – France TIME
Donation: 20 euros
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I’m new to dzogchen-bon. I cannot wait for lecture