Rangjung yeshe zhi
Self-originated wisdom is the base. La sabiduría auto-originada es la base.
Nyonmong duk nga tsal
All the five poisons emotions are manifestations of expressive energy of the base.
Las cinco emociones venenosas son manifestaciones de la energía expresiva de la base.
Jesu drengwa trul luk
Following after them is how we get deluded. Seguirlos es cómo nos engañamos.
The 16 Nail / El clavo 16
Rangjung yeshe zhi
Self-originated wisdom is the base. La sabiduría auto-originada es la base.
Nyonmong duk nga tsal
All the five poisons emotions are manifestations of expressive energy of the base.
Las cinco emociones venenosas son manifestaciones de la energía expresiva de la base.
Jesu drengwa trul luk
Following after them is how we get deluded. Seguirlos es cómo nos engañamos.
Kyon tu dawa kolsa
Seeing or regarding them as faulty or defective is the deviation.
Ver o considerarlas como defectuosas o defectuosas es la desviación.

Event in Poland
Mother Tantra teachings